

last day in sunny SA

life has been but insane and I can't believe my last post was over a month ago. It's just been  a mix of trying to finish my first proper jewellery collection (will share the photo's soon, i promise) to packing to traveling to arriving in a grey and cold Paris, dealing with my bank (and all the unaccounted for charges) trying to unblock my phone and the worst, dealing with the visa renewal procedure. Luckily all is sorted and I can get back to a somewhat normal life.
However in all this commotion I miss my family terribly (as i always do the first little bit) and the yummy sushi lunch we had just before I left. There's nothing better than getting onto a plane filled with your bestest of comfort food, makes the transition of summer to winter, south to north, Africa to Europe, just that little more bearable.


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